Monday, December 1, 2008

Not all those who wander are lost...

I thought it might have gone away, but alas, I was wrong. This wanderlust has plagued me for as long as I can remember thinking about it. I got the wandering itch a few weeks ago, but then it went away and I thought it might have left me alone for another year... but I guess it hasn't. It's almost 2:30 in the morning, and I'm supposed to be sleeping, but I can't. I have that lust to move on to somewhere else, go somewhere I've never been...
It makes me wonder sometimes if perhaps I am fated to be a wanderer until the end of my days. But then I know that is not true. I will wander around, travel around, probably move alot, but then I will someday find some land and know that that will be where I will stay, forever. But until then, I must put up with this wanderlust that hits me about once or twice a year; for I cannot just pack up and move... it's not in the cards right now, nor do I particularly want to leave. It is rather perplexing I suppose if I was to actually think about it... having the urge to move along somewhere else, and yet knowing that I'm supposed to be here at the same time. It is rather odd, but this is me we're talking about, and how surprising is it really?
Anyways, enough of that, I am finally feeling sleep come upon me... sleep well and sweet dreams of dancing through moonlit forest glades with someone special... :)